Colorado Homeschool Evaluations & Assistance
Colorado Homeschool Evaluations

Did you know homeschooled students in Colorado in grades 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 need either a homeschool evaluation or need to take the state mandated test?
Lyndsay Capshaw provides homeschool evaluations for ALL homeschool students in Colorado. Families who unschool, students with disabilities, and ALL types of learners can receive an evaluation in lieu of the state testing.

Download the evaluation form here.
Next, you'll return the form to me.
I'll complete the evaluator's portion of the form and mail to you with the certificate of progress (2 original certificates, one for you to keep and one to send in with the evaluation).
You then mail one of the certificates and the original, completed form to the district where you submitted your letter of intent to homeschool or to your umbrella school. I include copies of the paperwork for you to retain.
Turnaround time from when I receive the evaluation form to when I mail the completed evaluation form and certificate is no longer than 3 weeks. Rush service is available and price is dependent on services needed.

Homeschool Evaluation Cost:
Sibling discounts available
Lyndsay Capshaw holds a current Colorado teaching license, therefore meeting the state's requirements to perform homeschool evaluations. Click HERE to be taken directly to CDE's website and read homeschool laws in Colorado.